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Microsoft Word Certified



I earned my Microsoft Word Certification my freshman year of high school. My Introduction to Business and Technology class worked on a software called GMetrix to study and prepare for the exam. This certification has helped me throughout my high school career to do coursework and format Word documents well. 

Microsoft Excel Certified​



I earned my Microsoft Excel Certification my Sophomore Year of high school in my Business and Technology class. We used the software GMetrix to study for the certification test. Becoming excel certified has helped me be more organized and prepared. I have been able to make spreadsheets for potential colleges and classes and much more.

FBLA Future Level Award



I earned my FBLA Future Level Award in my junior year of high school. I completed projects about being a business professional in the workplace, my future goals, and how to give back to the community. By completing all these projects I learned more about how to be respectful and courteous in the workplace. I also learned and wrote about tips for interviews. Overall, this award helped me learn how to achieve my goals of success.

Platinum Community Service Award


I earned the Platinum Community Service Award my junior year of high school. I completed over 50 community service hours my junior year to meet the requirements. While completing my hours my eyes were opened to how much of a need there is for volunteers in our community. Without volunteers parts of our community would not be able to exist. This award helped me focus on something bigger than myself.

CPR and First Aid Certified


I got CPR and First Aid Certified my sophomore year of high school through my Introduction to Healthcare class.​ We went through the course with our teacher over the course of about two weeks. This certification is very important to me because knowing what to do in a medical emergency will be necessary when working with special needs children, or any children, in the future. This also gives me preparation for a variety of emergencies that can happen on any given day in any situation.

Credentials and Certifications

Microsoft PowerPoint Certified​



I earned my Microsoft PowerPoint Certification my junior year of high school in my Business Communications class. We used the software GMetrix to study for the exam. By earning this certification I have learned how to present information in a more formal and professional way in Microsoft PowerPoint.


GeorgiaBEST Premiere Certification


I earned the GeorgiaBEST Premiere Certification my junior year of high school. The process of earning the certification helped me understand how to be a reliable and good professional in a workplace. It helped me learn how to write a resume and what employers are looking for in employees.

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